/*---------- Show Dialogue Function ZHIYING on Oct. 1st, 2008 add dialog box width,height parameter on March 10, 2009 dialog(w,h);showDialog(...,w,h) ------------------------------------------*/ function goLocation() { //This function moved from scripts/CEXgeneral.js library, cuz in category form we don't use it. if(document.forms[0].Next_Location!=null) if (document.forms[0].Next_Location.value == ''){ window.location='#container'; } else { window.location='#' + document.forms[0].Next_Location.value; } } var closeYN = true; //to validate the dropdown list before click ok button var boxTitle = ""; function isIE() { var browser_type = navigator.appName; return (browser_type == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"); } function dialog(w,h,p) { var oktitlebtn=" OK "; var cancelbtn = " Cancel "; /* switch (Language) { case "FR": oktitlebtn=" Oui "; break; case "GR": oktitlebtn=" OK "; break; case "JAP": oktitlebtn="[OK]を"; break; case "PO": oktitlebtn=" OK "; break; case "RU": oktitlebtn=" OK "; break; case "SP": oktitlebtn=" OK "; break; case "SW": oktitlebtn=" OK "; break; default : oktitlebtn=" OK "; } switch (Language) { case "FR": cancelbtn=" Annuler "; break; case "GR": cancelbtn=" OK "; break; case "JAP": cancelbtn="[OK]を"; break; case "PO": cancelbtn=" OK "; break; case "RU": cancelbtn=" OK "; break; case "SP": oktitlebtn=" OK "; break; case "SW": cancelbtn=" OK "; break; default : cancelbtn=" Cancel "; }*/ var dbw = "i-sight/dps.nsf"; var boxTitleBgImg = "images/table_top_bg.gif"; var blankBgImg = "images/blank.gif"; var closeImg_0 = "images/dialog_Close_0.gif"; var closeImg_1 = "images/dialog_Close_1.gif"; var shadowPx = 2; var boxWidth = w; //default 450; var boxHeight =h; //default 260; if(!isIE()&&(h==50||h==150)) boxHeight+=120; var pos=p; var divBg = '\
\ '; var divShadow = '\
\ '; var titlestyle=isIE()?"font-weight:bold":"font-weight:bold;font-family: Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:.6em;"; var divTitle = '\
\ ' + boxTitle + '\ \
\ '; var divContent = '\
\ \
\ '; var divButton = '\
\ \ \
\ '; var divBox = '\
\ ' + divTitle + '\ ' + divContent + '\ ' + divButton + '\
\ '; function $(_sId) { return window.top.document.getElementById(_sId); } //Show Dialogue box this.showBox = function(_sMsg, _sImg, _sOk, _sCancel) { this.init(); $('dialogBoxMsg').innerHTML = _sMsg; $('dialogBoxMsgImg') ? $('dialogBoxMsgImg').src = '/'+dbw+'/images/' + _sImg + '.gif' : function(){}; _sOk && _sOk != "" ? this.button('buttonOk', _sOk) : $('buttonOk').style.display = 'none'; _sCancel && _sCancel != "" ? this.button('buttonCancel', _sCancel) : $('buttonCancel').style.display = 'none'; //$('buttonOk').focus(); } //Dialogue Box Appearing Setup this.boxSet = function() { var obj = $('dialogBox'); obj['style']['position'] = "relative"; obj['style']['background'] = "#ffffff"; obj['style']['z-index'] = 100; obj['style']['border'] = "1px solid #336699"; obj['style']['width'] = boxWidth + "px"; obj['style']['height'] = boxHeight + "px"; obj['style']['display'] = ""; } //Dialogue Box Title Appearing Setup this.titleSet = function() { var obj = $('dialogBoxTitle'); obj['style']['color'] = "#ffffff"; obj['style']['background']= "url(/" +dbw + '/'+ boxTitleBgImg +")"; obj['style']['height'] = "12px"; obj['style']['width'] = boxWidth + "px"; if (isIE() ) obj['style']['padding'] = "6px 8px"; else obj['style']['padding'] = "6px 0px"; obj['style']['cursor'] = "move"; obj['style']['display'] = ""; } //Dialogue Box Close Button Appearing Setup this.closeSet = function() { var obj = $('dialogBoxClose'); obj['style']['width']= "14px"; obj['style']['height'] = "14px"; obj['style']['cursor'] = "pointer"; if (!isIE()) obj['style']['padding'] = "0px 6px"; obj['style']['display'] = ""; } //Dialogue Box Ok Button Appearing Setup this.okSet = function() { var obj = $('buttonOk'); obj['style']['cursor'] = "pointer"; obj['style']['width'] = "50px"; obj['style']['margin'] = "auto"; obj['style']['padding'] = "2px 2px 2px 2px"; obj['style']['font'] = "normal 10px Verdana"; obj['style']['color'] = "#001037"; obj['style']['border'] = "1px solid #245487"; obj['style']['background'] = "url(images/bg_btn.gif)"; } //Dialogue Box Cancel Button Appearing Setup this.cancelSet = function() { var obj = $('buttonCancel'); obj['style']['cursor'] = "pointer"; obj['style']['width']= "50px"; obj['style']['padding'] = "2px 2px 2px 2px"; obj['style']['font'] = "normal 10px Verdana"; obj['style']['color'] = "#001037"; obj['style']['border'] = "1px solid #245487"; obj['style']['background'] = "url(images/bg_btn.gif)"; } //Dialogue Box Content Appearing Setup this.contentSet = function() { var obj = $('dialogBoxContent'); obj['style']['width'] = boxWidth + "px"; obj['style']['height'] = "75%"; if(!isIE()&&h==50) obj['style']['height'] = "45%"; obj['style']['overflow'] = "auto"; obj['style']['display'] = ""; } //Dialogue Box Image Appearing Setup this.msgImgSet = function() { var obj = $('dialogBoxMsgImg'); obj['style']['position'] = "relative"; obj['style']['left'] = "2px"; obj['style']['top'] = "2px"; obj['style']['display'] = ""; } //Dialogue Box Text Message Appearing Setup this.msgSet = function() { var obj = $('dialogBoxMsg'); obj['style']['width'] = boxWidth - 30 + "px"; obj['style']['padding'] = "2px 5px 5px 5px"; obj['style']['font'] = "normal 10px Verdana"; obj['style']['color'] = "#001037"; obj['style']['display'] = ""; } //Dialogue Box Shadow Appearing Setup this.shadowSet = function() { var obj = $('dialogBoxShadow'); var objDialog = $('dialogBox'); obj['style']['position'] = "absolute"; obj['style']['background']= "#000000"; obj['style']['z-index']= 99; obj['style']['opacity']= "0.2"; obj['style']['filter'] = "alpha(opacity=30)"; obj['style']['top'] = objDialog.offsetTop + shadowPx +"px"; obj['style']['left'] = objDialog.offsetLeft + shadowPx + "px"; obj['style']['width'] = boxWidth + "px"; obj['style']['height'] = boxHeight + "px"; obj['style']['display'] = ""; } //Main Window (Opener) Background Appearing Setup this.bgSet = function() { var obj = $('dialogBoxBg'); obj['style']['position'] = "absolute"; if (isIE()) { obj['style']['background'] = "#000000 url(/"+ dbw + '/' + blankBgImg + ")"; obj['style']['filter'] = "alpha(opacity=30)"; }else { obj['style']['background'] = "rgb(179, 179, 179)"; obj['style']['background'] = "rgba(179, 179, 179, 0.5)"; } obj['style']['z-index'] = 1; obj['style']['top'] = "0px"; obj['style']['left'] = "0px"; obj['style']['width'] = "100%"; obj['style']['height'] = window.top.document.body.scrollHeight + "px"; //not necessery obj['style']['height'] = "100%"; obj['style']['display'] = ""; } //Initialize Dialogue Box this.init = function() { $('dialogCase') ? $('dialogCase').parentNode.removeChild($('dialogCase')) : function(){}; var oDiv = window.top.document.createElement('span'); oDiv.id = "dialogCase"; oDiv.innerHTML = divBg + divShadow + divBox; window.top.document.body.appendChild(oDiv); this.boxSet(); this.titleSet(); this.closeSet(); this.okSet(); this.cancelSet(); this.contentSet(); this.msgImgSet(); this.msgSet(); (pos=='default'||pos==null)?this.middle('dialogBox'):this.rightmiddle('dialogBox'); //this.middle('dialogBox'); //this.shadowSet(); this.bgSet(); } //Close Dialogue Box this.close = function() { goLocation(); $('dialogBoxBg')['style']['display'] = 'none'; $('dialogBox')['style']['display'] = 'none'; $('dialogBoxTitle')['style']['display'] = 'none'; $('dialogBoxClose')['style']['display'] = 'none'; $('dialogBoxContent')['style']['display'] = 'none'; $('dialogBoxMsgImg')['style']['display'] = 'none'; $('dialogBoxMsg')['style']['display'] = 'none'; $('divBoxBotton')['style']['display'] = 'none'; $('dialogBoxShadow')['style']['display'] = 'none'; } //Action of Buttons this.button = function(_sId, _sFuc) { if($(_sId)) { $(_sId).style.display = ''; if($(_sId).addEventListener) { if($(_sId).act) { $(_sId).removeEventListener('click', function(){eval($(_sId).act)}, false); } $(_sId).act = _sFuc; $(_sId).addEventListener('click', function(){eval(_sFuc)}, false); } else { if($(_sId).act){$(_sId).detachEvent('onclick', function(){eval($(_sId).act)});} $(_sId).act = _sFuc; $(_sId).attachEvent('onclick', function(){eval(_sFuc)}); } } } //Centralize Dialogue Box this.middle = function(_sId) { var sClientWidth = window.top.document.body.clientWidth; var sClientHeight = window.top.document.body.clientHeight; var sScrollTop = window.top.document.documentElement.scrollTop; var obj = $(_sId); var left = (sClientWidth / 2) - (obj.offsetWidth / 2) - (shadowPx / 2) + "px"; var top = sScrollTop + 180 + "px";//top position obj['style']['display'] = ''; obj['style']['position'] = "absolute"; obj['style']['left'] = left; obj['style']['top'] = top; } //1-3rd right of the current window positioning Dialogue Box this.rightmiddle = function(_sId) { var sClientWidth = window.top.document.body.clientWidth; var sClientHeight = window.top.document.body.clientHeight; var sScrollTop = window.top.document.documentElement.scrollTop; var obj = $(_sId); var left = (sClientWidth / 2) - (obj.offsetWidth / 2) - (shadowPx / 2)+ 40 + "px"; var top = sScrollTop + 180 + "px";//top position obj['style']['display'] = ''; obj['style']['position'] = "absolute"; obj['style']['left'] = left; obj['style']['top'] = top; } //Move Dialogue Box this.moveStart = function (event, _sId) { var oObj = $(_sId); oObj.onmousemove = mousemove; oObj.onmouseup = mouseup; oObj.setCapture ? oObj.setCapture() : function(){}; oEvent = window.event ? window.event : event; var dragData = {x : oEvent.clientX, y : oEvent.clientY}; var backData = {x : parseInt(oObj.style.top), y : parseInt(oObj.style.left)}; function mousemove() { var oEvent = window.event ? window.event : event; var iLeft = oEvent.clientX - dragData["x"] + parseInt(oObj.style.left); var iTop = oEvent.clientY - dragData["y"] + parseInt(oObj.style.top); oObj.style.left = iLeft + "px"; oObj.style.top = iTop + "px"; $('dialogBoxShadow').style.left = iLeft + shadowPx + "px"; $('dialogBoxShadow').style.top = iTop + shadowPx + "px"; dragData = {x: oEvent.clientX, y: oEvent.clientY}; } function mouseup() { var oEvent = window.event ? window.event : event; oObj.onmousemove = null; oObj.onmouseup = null; if(oEvent.clientX < 1 || oEvent.clientY < 1 || oEvent.clientX > window.top.document.body.clientWidth || oEvent.clientY > window.top.document.body.clientHeight) { oObj.style.left = backData.y + "px"; oObj.style.top = backData.x + "px"; $('dialogBoxShadow').style.left = backData.y + shadowPx + "px"; $('dialogBoxShadow').style.top = backData.x + shadowPx + "px"; } oObj.releaseCapture ? oObj.releaseCapture() : function(){}; } } } //------------------------------------------------------ //Function£ºShow Dialog Box //Paremeter£º // msgStr£º Text Message // infoType£º Info(Image) Type: 0 Validate Message,1 Close/Cancel/Decline/Reopen Case Msg Yes/No(with Cancel button), 2 Success, 3 Failure, 4 Warning // actType£º Action Return from Ok Button: // 0 None // 1 Close // 2 Cancel //Previous // 3 Switch URL // 4 Open URL in New Window // 5 Open URL in Self window // 6 Open URL in Self window(Del) // 7 Switch to Cutomized URL // 8 Switch Main Window to Customized URL // 9 Switch to Customized URL in Self Window // 10 Switch Child Window to Customized URL // 11 Refresh Current Window // 12 Refresh Main (Parent) WindowΪˢи¸´°¿Ú // 13 Submit Form // Other or add customized function // obj: Object returned from the Form, use 'this', If Object is not Link Use URL Address //------------------------------------------------------ var objPage function showDialog(msgStr, infoType, actType, obj, w, h) { var iconImg, cancelBtn, okBtn; msgStr = msgStr ? msgStr : "System Message"; infoType = infoType ? infoType : 0; actType = actType ? actType : 0; obj = obj ? obj : ""; objPage = obj; w=w?w:450; h=h?h:260; switch (infoType) { case 0: iconImg = 0; cancelBtn = ""; break; case 1: iconImg = 5; switch (actType) { case 1: cancelBtn = "parent.clearCloseReason();"; break; case 2: cancelBtn = "parent.clearCancelReason();"; break; case 3: cancelBtn = "parent.clearDeclineReason();"; break; case 4: cancelBtn = "parent.clearReopenReason();"; break; case 5: cancelBtn = "parent.clearCompleteReason();"; break; default: cancelBtn = " "; break; } break; case 2: iconImg = 2; cancelBtn = ""; break; case 3: //Confirmation iconImg = 3; cancelBtn = " "; break; case 4: iconImg = 4; cancelBtn = ""; break; default: iconImg = 0; cancelBtn = ""; break; } switch (actType) { case 0: boxTitle = "I-Sight Validation"; okBtn = " "; break; case 1: boxTitle = " I-Sight Case Close"; okBtn = "getCloseReason();"; //specific in CPC PS, window.top.opener = null;window.top.close(); break; case 2: boxTitle = "I-Sight Cancel"; okBtn = "parent.getCancelReason();"; //history.go(-1); break; case 3: boxTitle = "I-Sight Case Decline"; okBtn = "parent.getDeclineReason();"; //"document.location.href = '" + obj.href + "';"; break; case 4: boxTitle = "I-Sight Case Reopen"; okBtn = "parent.getReopenReason();"; //"window.open('" + obj.href + "');"; break; case 5: boxTitle = "I-Sight Case Complete"; okBtn = "parent.getCompleteReason();"; //"frameSrc('" + obj.href + "');" break; case 6: boxTitle = "I-Sight View Skip to record"; //var goUrl ="parent.document.location.href ='"+view+"?OpenView&Startkey="+document.getElementById('JumpToVal').value+"';"; //alert(goUrl); //okBtn = goUrl; //"frameSrcDel('" + obj.href + "');"; okBtn = "parent.goJumptoUrl();"; break; case 7: boxTitle = "I-Sight Confirmation"; okBtn = "parent.doAction();" //"frameSrc('" + obj + "');" //"window.top.document.location.href = '" + obj + "';"; break; case 8: boxTitle = "I-Sight Lookup"; okBtn = " " //"parent.document.location.href = '" + obj + "';"; break; case 9: boxTitle = "I-Sight Multiple Pick List"; okBtn = "parent.pickup()"; //"document.location.href = '" + obj + "';"; break; case 10:boxTitle = "I-Sight Delete Report Confirmation"; okBtn = "parent.delReport('" + obj.value + "');" //"frameSrc('" + obj + "');" break; case 11: okBtn = "document.location.reload();"; break; case 12: okBtn = "parent.document.location.reload();"; break; case 13: okBtn = "formSubmit(document.getElementById('" + obj.id + "'));"; break; case 14: boxTitle = "I-Sight Confirmation"; okBtn = "document.forms[0].submit();" //"frameSrc('" + obj + "');" //"window.top.document.location.href = '" + obj + "';"; break; default: okBtn = actType; break; } var dg = new dialog(w, h); dg.showBox(msgStr, iconImg, okBtn, cancelBtn); return false; } //Create a hidden Frame function createFrame() { var oFrame = document.createElement("iframe"); oFrame.id = "OptionFrame"; oFrame.name = "OptionFrame"; oFrame.width = "0"; oFrame.height = "0"; oFrame.src = ""; document.body.appendChild(oFrame); document.getElementById('OptionFrame')['style']['display'] = 'none'; } //Firing URL in Hidden Frame function frameSrc(hrefSrc) { document.getElementById('OptionFrame') ? function(){} : createFrame(); document.getElementById('OptionFrame').src = hrefSrc; } //Delete Table tag ,Firing URL in Hidden Frame function frameSrcDel(hrefSrc) { if (objPage.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == 'TR') { objPage.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(objPage.parentNode.parentNode); } frameSrc(hrefSrc); } //Submit Form function formSubmit(obj) { var objForm objForm = document.getElementById(obj.form.id); var objInput = document.createElement("input"); objInput.id = "SubmitType"; objInput.name = "SubmitType"; objInput.value = obj.value; objInput.type = "hidden"; objForm.appendChild(objInput); objForm.submit(); objForm.removeChild(objInput); }